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Spiritual and Moral development



  • To explore Catholic values, principles and spirituality throughout the curriculum, while valuing the integrity and spirituality of other faith backgrounds.  

  • To develop an attitude which is opposed to discrimination against any person or group on the grounds of the protected characteristics as set out in the 2010 Equality Act: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and sex.  

  • To create a learning environment which promotes respect, diversity and self-awareness.  

  • To deliver a school curriculum which provides opportunities for all students to learn, to achieve and to have the freedom to become their best selves.  

  • To promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all students for the opportunities, responsibilities and challenges of life.  

  • To guide the stduents towards an understanding of the importance in our daily life of the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance.  

Spiritual Development:


To live by the principles of the Gospel and in the tradition of the Catholic Faith. Spiritual development is concerned with how an individual acquires personal beliefs and values. Spiritual education helps pupils to acquire insights into their personal existence which are of enduring worth. It is characterised by reflection, the attribution of meaning to experience, valuing a non-material dimension to life and intimations of an enduring reality. Through it, students are able to understand their own feelings and emotions and this enables them to form their response to life and experiences. It also equips them to ask questions about the universe. The learning  environment and the curriculum should:

  • Give students the opportunity to explore values and beliefs and the way in which they impact on people’s lives;

  • Support and develop the students religious beliefs in ways which are personal and relevant to them;

  • Encourage students to explore and develop what animates themselves and others;

  • Encourage students to learn from reflection;  

  • Give students the opportunity to understand human feelings and emotions, the way they affect people and how an understanding of them can be helpful in their relationships;

  • Develop an ethos within which all students can grow and flourish, respect others and be respected;

  • Accommodate difference and respect the integrity of individuals;

  • Promote teaching styles which value students questions and give them space for their own thoughts, ideas and concerns.

Moral Development:


To be honest citizens and make a contribution to society. Moral development means exploring, understanding and recognising shared values and consideration of the issues of right and wrong. Moral education provides a framework within which to operate on a daily basis. Moral development involves developing a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions, democracy and a balanced range of political views. The learning environment of the classroom and the curriculum promote moral development through:


  • Codes of conduct and class rules, agreed with children and displayed in the classroom;

  • Clear and consistent rewards and sanctions that children understand and believe to be fair;

  • Assemblies that discuss moral values and define expectations;

  • Activities that enable students to give opinions and develop their values;

  • Discussing the choices made by the students and others (such as historical figures) and the resulting outcomes;

  • Observation and celebrations of national events such as 'Remembrance' and royal occasions.

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