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Reading is a high priority at St Anne’s. All students are encouraged to read for pleasure through various activities including Drop Everything and Read days, form time activities and book recommendations from peers.


Throughout the curriculum, students are provided with opportunities to read challenging texts related to topics and literacy is at the heart of teaching and learning to develop students’ language skills in reading, writing and oracy.

All KS3 students are required to have a reading book in school as part of their basic kit. Form time is used for literacy-based activities as well as monitoring students’ individual reading progress.


We robustly assess and record student proficiency in reading using NGRT reading tests. Assessment informed reading interventions are put in place to provide a bespoke and targeted school-wide reading and literacy programme.


Below is a breakdown of our reading and intervention offers:

4 or more years below

3 or more years below chronological reading age

2 or more years below chronological reading age

Above chronological reading age

  • Small group support with specialist intervention tutor


  • Phonics programme with specialist phonics tutor

  • Lexia​


  • Small group support with specialist intervention tutor

  • Lexia


  • SLT reading groups

  • Classics Reading Club




The library is open to all students during social times and after school, to use the computers, get support with homework or to use as a quiet space for reading.

The library is used as part of the English curriculum for KS3; once a fortnight, all classes have a literacy lesson which is used to read and discuss a class novel, encouraging and promoting reading for pleasure and improving reading skills. The lessons also include small group interventions with the class teacher.

We have a team of student librarians who volunteer to support during social times and they also review and promote books to recommend to students.

St Anne's Chronicle - Published termly - example below

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